Packing for college is a simple formula: go shopping and buy cute new things you don’t really need, shove it all into trashbags/suitcases/anything you can find, put it all in the mini van, and drive four hours up to school.  Then have your entire family help you move it all into your dorm room, and repeat yearly.

Packing for study abroad is a completely different animal, with a whole new set of challenges.  Each suitcase has a limit of 50 lbs.  And you only get two of them! And then when you get to the country of your choice, there’s no family waiting to help you carry it all (wheelie suitcases are preferable).  And did I mention the 50 lb weight limit????

 This is my clothing suitcase, pre- everything that is bulky.  Even though I’m only bringing one pair of sweatpants and one hoodie, they are bulky.  And workout clothes?  They take up a surprising amount of space.  But somehow, I got all the clothes to fit.  The second suitcase (of which I did not take a picture) is full of SHOES. And toiletries, and raincoats, and medicine. And do you know what’s awesome? BOTH SUITCASES ARE UNDER 50 LBS!! Everybody can be proud now, and lavish me with praise for my awesome packing prowess.  I have four days before I fly off to London, and I am finally starting to get ready for it!